our tradition

When I started climbing Munros several years ago, a friend’s father (thank you Norrie) told me about a Scottish tradition of hillwalkers marking each summit by stitching a red cross in their woollen hat. I was captivated by this story and wanted to bring it to life – and so the Munro beanie was created. Whether you climb two or two hundred Munros, I hope this beanie captures the memories of your own personal journey and the adventures you experience along the way.


stitching your beanie

Each beanie comes with a small spool of red wool to get you started. It’s very easy to stitch the crosses, and we recommend following these simple steps:

  • Thread your wool through a large eye needle

  • Tie a couple of small knots in the end of your wool

  • Start with your needle on the underside of your hat and thread the needle so that it appears on the bottom right point of the cross. Then, thread the needle back down through to top left point of the cross, creating your first stitch. From the underside of your hat, thread your needle through the top right of the cross, and then follow the wool down to the bottom left point, creating your second stitch, which completes your cross.

  • It is quicker to stitch multiple crosses at a time and then tie a small knot on the underside of the hat to secure your handiwork.